About Lake-McHenry Habitat for Humanity
We believe everyone deserves a safe, affordable place to call home. Since our founding, we have built over 200 homes for our neighbors in Lake, and McHenry County. Together, we can build great things.
Lake-McHenry Habitat for Humanity’s unique and empowering model brings together groups of dedicated volunteers and partner families to build safe, affordable homes. We are committed to building the quality of life, health, and economic prosperity of our county by producing, preserving, and advocating for affordable homeownership – because homes and families are the foundation of successful communities.
Our Mission
Lake-McHenry Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope.
Our Vision
Inspired by a vision where everyone has a safe, affordable place to live, we seek to improve the well-being of individuals and families and interrupt generational cycles of poverty in our community through homeownership.

We believe that everyone deserves the dignity and security of a safe, affordable place to call home. We are proud to be an equal housing opportunity program, committed to ensuring that housing is accessible to all—regardless of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), national origin, disability, familial status, or any other protected characteristic.
Discrimination has no place in the journey to homeownership. By promoting fairness and inclusion, we work to build communities where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. Together, we can create a world where housing is a foundation for hope, equity, and a brighter future for all members of our communities.
Teams Hammer Time and Vipers: “EmpoweHER” from @vipersproball team were a small but mighty group this Saturday! These #WomenBuild teams came bright and early after their original Build Day was rained out and got us closer to completing the roofing on two homes for women-led families in Waukegan! 🏠 🛠️ 💪 .
#womenbuild2023 #habitatforhumanity #habitathome #habitatlakecounty #lakecountyil #lakecountyillinois #volunteer #buildday #habitatbuild #habitatforhumanity #womenempowerment #womensupportingwomen #november #mondaymotivation #mondaymood #motivationmonday #construction #womenhelpingwomen
Our YouTube channel
Virtual Town Hall - Habitat Lake and McHenry County Merger
AbbVie Week of Possibilities 2024
Habitat Lake County Seeks to Disrupt Local Housing Landscape
Habitat for Humanity Lake County Seeks to Disrupt Housing Landscape